Happy 2007 (Why am I still here edition)

Here is the view of my backyard taken this morning: Before you start swooning over the beauty of the snow covered trees and the ice covered lake (especially if you’re from an area where it doesn’t snow), let me remind you that winter royally sucks. It gets old after the first dozen or so you …

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First Impressions of Cambodia

I walk out the doors of the airport and expect the normal rush of people trying to sell me crap and offer me rides. Something seems fishy. No one is trying to sell me anything. I get handed a flyer and a guy who looks official tells me I can save $5 by taking a …

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Everytime I try to get out, they just keep pulling me back in

Not only am I still in Hong Kong, but I’m going to be here over Christmas. Macau is booked solid. At least all the cheap places are. My lack of planning around Christmas is really the proximate problem here. The place I’m staying in HK I had to check out today and I packed up …

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Six Month Anniversary

It has been six months to the day that I closed on my house and became a homeless wanderer. Since then I estimate, with the help of Google Earth, that I have traveled 42,000 miles and have visited 20 “countries” (See the link on the country list to the left for the definition of country …

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Three weeks bitches, and I….Am…..Out of here

Its been two years since I decided to take this trip. Since then, its been all talk and no action. Planning, reading, talking but not really able to do much until I had all my affairs in order. Its only been in the last few weeks that I’ve begun to realize that this is going …

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FLASH!! He’ll Save Everyone Of Us!

I leave Taevwa in about 3 hours, and I still have no clue where I’m going. Such is my life. I purchased a pass on the Yasawa flyer which is a boat that goes up and down the Yasawas every day. I can get on and off where I want for a week. There seems …

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George Town

I got up early yesterday to pack and check out of my hotel so I could get to the train station for the 9:15am train to Penang. As it turns out, there either isn’t a 9:15 train, or it was full. Either way, I had to wait for the 2:19pm train, which didn’t show up …

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I’m safe on Tahiti. Its dark and I can’t see anything other than how bad I’m getting robbed. I’ll get to that in a second. The currency in French Polynesia and all French Pacific Territories is the Pacific Franc (XPF). The Euro is sort of on a 1-to-1 ratio with the dollar. By that I …

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I’m currently in Adelaide, South Australia. The last state in my (long) tour of Australia. The weather the last few days has been overcast, cold and rainy. Nonetheless, I like the city of Adelaide. The area of town I’m staying is near Chinatown and it is loaded with tons of restaurants of all sorts. I …

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