Here is an outline of what I’ll be doing the next few weeks:
I’ll be a week on Fiji mostly diving and being a bum.
From Fiji, I’ll be flying to Apia, Samoa where I’ll say for about 3 days.
From there it is a bit up in the air. Apia is the only place you can take a boat to get to Tokelau. I really would like to visit Tokelau, but the boat only goes about once every two weeks. If I’m not close to getting the boat, I’ll go to American Samoa and visit the National Park and try to stay with a Samoan family for a few days. Depending on how long I have to wait for the Tokelau boat, I might go to Tonga and/or Niue.
If I can get the Tokelau boat somewhat without a long wait, I’ll go to Tokelau right away then do the other places I listed.
After this part of the Pacific, I’ll head back to Fiji and then go to some places in the west: New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.
Then I’ll go back to Fiji one more time and visit the nations to the north: Tuvalu, Nauru, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Guam, Palau, and CNMI.
This part of the world is just a big pain in the ass to travel in. That is why so few people visit and it is not on the list for most people doing trips like mine.
I don’t plan on long stays in most countries in the Pacific, because they’re small and there isn’t much to see. I might spend more time in Micronesia/Palau just because of the diving.
After all of the above, I think I’ll head to Okinawa and then up through Japan and jump over to South Korea. That should give me plenty of time in the colder parts of Asia before winter sets in. From there I’ll work my way south to Australia.
…at least that is the plan as of right now.