QWERTY Keyboard

QWERTY Keyboard

Transcript 150 years ago, an American inventor by the name of Christopher Latham Sholes developed a machine to allow people to easily put text onto paper by pressing mechanical keys. He called his invention the “type writer”. After years of tinkering and adjusting, he finally came up with an arrangement of the keys that worked. …

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A History of the Green Bay Packers

A History of the Green Bay Packers

Transcript The National Football League is big business. It earns more money than any other professional sports league in the world. All of the NFL teams are own by billionaires or consortiums of multi-millionaires….except for one.  One team, has no billionaire owner, is located in the smallest town in America to have a professional sports …

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Cosmos 954

Cosmos 954

Transcript According to the old adage, what goes up must come down. Unless you are talking about a satellite, which can go up and never come down. However, sometimes satellites do come down. When they are not expected to. Where they are not wanted.  Such was the case in 1978 with a Soviet spy satellite …

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Milankovitch Cycles

Milankovitch Cycles

Transcript The Earth takes a year to go around the sun, and a day to turn on its axis.  It is tilted 23.5 degrees which is what causes the seasons.  All of these facts which you learned in school are true, but they are not permanent. They change, very slowly, over time.  One astrophysicist in …

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Project MK ULTRA

Project MK ULTRA

Transcript After the end of World War II, the newly created Central Intelligence Agency investigated anything and everything which could give the US an advantage in the Cold War.  That included investigating UFO’s and levitation, as well as creating exploding cigars for Fidel Castro. One such idea was mind control.  Learn more about Project MK …

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The Year of The Five Emperors

The Year of The Five Emperors

Transcript Every so often, the series Dr. Who would have a special episode where multiple versions of the time-traveling Doctor would appear on the same episode.  I think they probably ripped the idea off from the Roman empire, where they had several years with multiple emperors.  So, fresh off talking about the year of four …

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The Year of the Four Emperors

The Year of the Four Emperors

Transcript As long as the Roman empire lasted, they never created a set method of choosing successors to emperors. This inability to have an idea of who would be next in line caused numbers problems during the history of the empire.  The first major succession crisis occurred in the year 69. One emperor died, and …

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The Oxford English Dictionary

The Oxford English Dictionary

Transcript In 1844, the Philological Society of London began investigating the creation of a new English dictionary. This initial foray would lead to a dictionary that would be unlike any other dictionary ever created.  It would not just give the definition and spelling of a word, but a complete history of each word and where …

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Understanding Exclaves and Enclaves

Understanding Exclaves and Enclaves

Transcript Normally, if a foreign country has you totally surrounded, that isn’t a good thing. However, in some parts of the world, it is a normal, everyday occurrence.  Due to historical quirks in drawing maps, there are parts of some countries which are separate from the mainland and are totally surrounded by another country. Learn …

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