Understanding ZIP Codes

Understanding ZIP Codes

Transcript Back in the day, sending letters was slow and complicated.  Nothing could travel faster than the speed of a horse or a ship, and addressing letters could be confusing if there were multiple people in a city.  Over time, the postal system developed systematic methods to deliver the mail quickly and more efficiently. Learn …

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The Terrible Fate of Blanche Monnier

The Terrible Fate of Blanche Monnier

Transcript Born in 1849 in Poitiers, France, Blanche Monnier was a beautiful young woman who was born into an aristocratic family.  When she was 25 she suddenly disappeared. When people inquired as to her whereabouts, her family told them she had moved away. That was not what happened. Learn more about the terrible fate of …

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Aluminum: From Rare to Plentiful

Aluminum: From Rare to Plentiful

Transcript Hundreds of years ago gold and silver were rare and valuable, and today they are rare and valuable. Iron and tin were cheap and plentiful and today they are cheap and plentiful.  However, there is one metal that was once the rarest and expensive metal in the world, and today it is one of …

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Radiometric Dating

Radiometric Dating

Transcript Have you ever heard a science story on the news where they mention how old something is then ask yourself “how do they know that?” How is it possible to tell the age of something with any degree of certainty when there was no one around millions or billions of years ago? Well, there …

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The Man Who Didn’t Want to be Pope

The Man Who Didn't Want to be Pope

Transcript On February 10, 2013, in what began as a rather innocuous assembly, Pope Benedict the XVI stunned the world by announcing that he would be retiring.  Not only were people stunned, but to paraphrase King George in the Musical Hamilton, most people weren’t even aware that was something a pope could do.  Yet, it …

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Roman Concrete

Roman Concrete

Transcript There are lots of stories about technologies and knowledge from ancient peoples that have been lost to us through history.  In reality, most things that were lost have been figured out independently by modern people, and we have better modern versions of almost everything the ancients had, including things like Damascus Steel. That is, …

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The Mercator Projection

The Mercator Projection

Transcript Have you ever looked at a map and said to yourself “Wow, Greenland is really big!”, only to then look at a globe and realize, that Greeland wasn’t actually that big?  If so, then you have discovered the Mercator Projection. A map that was originally created in 1569 and is still with us today.  …

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Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

Transcript He has been called the most famous artist of the 20th century. His work single-handedly defined an artistic style. He was more loved and criticized than any other artist in history.  He created over 20,000 works, and legend says that he could pay for a meal with just his signature.  Learn more about Pablo …

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The Real Illuminati

The Real Illuminati

Transcript In 1776, an obscure Bavarian professor of philosophy created a society for like-minded individuals who upheld the values of the Enlightenment.  Fast forward over 200 years, and that organization is now the basis for conspiracy theories and fantastic stories of global dominance.  Learn more about the Illuminati, the real Illuminati, on this episode of …

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