Visions of Namibia

I visited Namibia for the first time in November 2013. What I experienced was far beyond my expectations. I found it to be a land of contradictions. It is a place where you can experience daily fog in the desert. Where you may have to wear a coat in the tropics. It has some of …

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Behind the Lens – Jellyfish Lake in Palau

One of the most incredible things I’ve ever done is gone swimming with jellyfish in Palau. Palau is a small island country of approximately 20,000 people in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines and north of Indonesia. It is also home to, what I believe, is the greatest diving in the world. The most …

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The Fearful Traveler

Over the course of the last six years I’ve met many travelers and and communicated with many more who have expressed fears and concerns about traveling. If the fears were just concerns which kept people on their toes while on the road it wouldn’t be so bad. However, most people let their fears prevent them …

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6 Things that Make a Great Hotel Room

I have spent well over 1,000 nights in hotel rooms since 2007. You could say I’ve become a minor expert on the subject of hotel accommodations. Many of the things I look for in a room are not the things that most hoteliers seems to care about. There seems to be an obsession amongst some …

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21 Things you can do to experience traveling without leaving home

Not everyone has the means or the time to go traveling around the world like I do. Nonetheless, there are still some things you can do get some of the experiences of traveling. The biggest part of traveling is being out of your element. Doing things which you are not comfortable doing or which are …

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Dealing with Jet Lag

I arrived in London on Monday from Los Angeles and suffered one of the worst cases of Jet Lag I’ve had in my life. I went almost 48 hours with only an hour of sleep and then followed it up with a 14 hour sleep session on Tuesday. Despite all the traveling I’ve done over …

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Cruising as an Independent Traveler

Last May I was invited onboard the Carnival Magic for its inaugural cruise from Venice to Barcelona. With that cruise I have now been on a whopping 3 cruises in my life, which probably takes me out of the category of a rank novice but a far cry from the 100+ cruises that many people …

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The Sorry State of the Travel Channel

Given the amount of traveling I do I don’t have many opportunities to watch television. When I am back in the US I use Hulu and Netflix to catch up on some of my favorite shows as well as watch some of my favorite channels. In addition to the Discovery Channel and the History channel …

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Seeing Things For Yourself: Another Reason To Travel

A few days ago in the Czech city of Budweis (home of the original Budweiser beer) I was taking photos of the town square when an old man on a bicycle came up to me and started to talk. I said I didn’t speak Czech and he started talking in very good English and asked …

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