East Rennell

East Rennell, Solomon Islands - UNESCO World Heritage Site

From the East Rennell World Heritage inscription: East Rennell makes up the southern third of Rennell Island, the southernmost island in the Solomon Island group in the western Pacific. Rennell, 86 km long x 15 km wide, is the largest raised coral atoll in the world. The site includes approximately 37,000 ha and a marine …

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How to cross the border overland between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

How to cross the border overland between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

Traveling to Papua New Guinea is like exploring the last frontier. It might sound cliche; it’s not. Papua New Guinea is one of the less-visited countries in the world. The road system is limited, the tourist infrastructure still developing, and the safety a primary concern. However, the country is home to rich forests and jungles, …

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I finally got the chance to visit a McDonald’s in Fiji. I had to look closely, but what I noticed was definitely a reflection of what makes up modern Fiji. The first thing to notice was that there were six different value meals available. Big Mac, double cheeseburger, chicken sandwich, fish sandwich, chicken nuggets, and …

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Thoughts on Fiji: 2010 Edition

Here are a collection of random thoughts about my current trip to Fiji: – The tourism industry, especially the budget tourism industry, is expanding. This time around I noticed that Base Backpackers, the big hostel chain from New Zealand, is now in Fiji. The FeeJeeExperience, which is owned by the same company which does the …

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NEW Caledonia

I’m at the Nadi, Fiji airport and about to leave for New Caledonia. I’m glad I spent the last two days in Fiji. If I hadn’t, my opinion of Fiji would have only been shaped by Nadi, which honestly, is a shithole. Suva and Lukaota are much nicer cities. I got my Kiribati visa and …

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Moving on up to a delux apartment in the sky

When I started my trip I had originally planed on staying at a decent hotel once every one or two weeks. Nothing super fancy, but just nice. So far, I really haevn’t done that at all. My luxuries have been in the form of single rooms at the hostel. Well, I decided to go for …

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High Dynamic Range

Over the course of my trip I’ve been playing around with a photographic technique called High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography. Basically, it involves merging different images of scenes that have very dark and very bright elements into one photos. Today I went into Noumea to play around with it and see if I could take …

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Oh, man. I just got back from Rennell Island. I don’t know where to begin or what to say. This weekend was probably one of the biggest adventures I’ve had in my life and certainly on my trip. As soon as I get my stuff together, I’ll begin working on a much longer post about …

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PNG, Here I Come

My tickets are booked and everything is ready to go for my excursion to PNG (Papua New Guinea). Researching this trip has been very different than any of the other places I’ve researched so far. There are parts of PNG which are for all practical purposes no different than they were 1,000 years ago. This …

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