Today was a pretty interesting experience. I hired a driver for the day and explored Bali. I got to see some traditional Bali houses, a Bali ceremonial dance, had wild monkeys sit on my head, ate lunch overlooking a volcano and a lake, and got dressed up in traditional Bali garb to visit the Mother Temple.
My guide was great. When he isn’t doing tours he works for Australian news outlets reporting on Indonesian stories.
I was prepared to write about how my trip to Komodo wasn’t going to happen. I’ve had no luck finding a reasonable priced tour out of Bali. However, as I sat down to write this, I got an email from a company in Flores (the populated island near Komodo) which gave me hope for just flying out to Flores and doing something directly from there. My travel instincts were correct. Tomorrow is devoted to figuring that out and booking my ticket. Either to Flores or to East Timor/Melbourne. I also need to send a package of crap back to the US.
My other goal for tomorrow is to find a place where I can watch the Super Bowl over breakfast.
I have an enormous glut of photos that will be dumped on everyone once I get out of Indonesia. I still have photos from Sabah and even a few from Brunei to put up. I probably took close to 200 today (but I hardly took any prior to today in Bali).
With that, I’m going to go watch one of my 29 DVDs I purchased for $20 and take a bath in my giant, stone bath tub in my room which is so big, I can literally float in it and not touch the sides.