My tickets have finally been booked, the ash cloud is favorable, and it appears I’ll be in Spain in about 24 hours.
I’ve spent almost three months in Bangkok which is more time than I’ve spent in any other city since I’ve started my travels. While I have been here I didn’t visit a single temple or tourist attraction. I did something totally different from what I’ve been doing the last three years: living as an expat.
Normally, because I travel alone, I meet people but never develop any sort of friendships. Usually, I don’t even get last names. In Bangkok, I was able to meet a large group of people and was actually able to experience something resembling a social life. Almost every night I could find something to do with a group of people somewhere in Bangkok. I probably drank more in the last three months than I did in the last three years combined.
Just some of the people I met in Bangkok include Jodi Ettenberg, Greg Jorgensen, Cody McKibben, Sean Ogle, Kevin Revolinski, John Berns, Sarah Lipman, and Richard Escobar. I’m going to miss many of the people I met in Bangkok and hope to meet them again.
It was also an exciting time to be in Bangkok. I was able to experience Songkran (which I highly recommend) and was witness to the start of the redshirt protests.
I’m going to miss the street food in Bangkok, the great movie theaters in Bangkok. The street bars (yes, they have wagons that sell alcohol!), the warm weather, and all the craziness which is this city.
That being said, I’m ready to get moving again. Three months I think is my limit for staying put in any one place. I really haven’t been doing much traveling, which is sort of the kiss of death if you are running a travel blog. Living in Bangkok might sound exotic if you don’t live here, but I’d like something more to write about than just one city.
I’m looking forward to visiting Spain. It is one of the great, historic countries of Europe and I’ve never been there before. It is all very exciting.
I’ll be in Spain until about mid-June with a side trip to Israel from May 10-18th. Then I head to New York City for TBEX. If you are in Spain, Israel or New York and would like to meet up, feel free to contact me.