Day 22, West Africa Cruise – Freetown, Sierra Leone

Latitude: 8° 14.4182’ N Longitude: 13° 09.7768’ W For the first time on the trip, we woke up in the same place we were the day before: Freetown, Sierra Leone. We were supposed to be in Guinea-Bissau today, but for reasons only known to them, they would not let us land. So, to compensate for …

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Day 21, West Africa Cruise – Freetown, Sierra Leone

Latitude: 8° 25.1932’ N Longitude: 13° 12.38.52’ W I had no idea what to expect when I visited Sierra Leone. The only thing you hear about Sierra Leone was its civil war which took place in the 1990’s and the horrific crimes which were committed. Children being used as soldiers, amputation as a form of …

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