Stuck in Taiwan

My stay in Taiwan has lasted longer than I had originally expected. This is mostly due to my sloth and the fact that I’m living here so cheap. I’m literally spending less than $20 per day on everything.  Despite this being the most difficult place to communicate on my trip so far, I’ve found it easy to get around in Taipei. I really like the city.

I’ve spent the last few days trying to find a place that sells Japan Rail passes because I can’t get them once I’m in Japan. I finally found one but it is going to take a few days to process the pass. So now I have to wait until Monday evening to pick up the pass and then I can leave on Tuesday afternoon to Okinawa.

My goal between now and then is to be completely caught up on all my posts from the Philippines and Taiwan before I begin the adventure which is Japan.

Before I get to Okinawa, if anyone knows how I can get in touch with a Mr. Hanzo and a Mr. Miyagi, it would be appreciated. Thanks.