Since I’ve arrived in Paris, I haven’t been having the best of times. The weather here has been cold and raining. Temperatures have been hovering around 10-15°C (50 to 60°F). On top of the weather I did something stupid on Sunday and ate a slice of pizza which was stupid as it kicked off the wheat induced stomach pains I’ve managed to avoid for so long. On top of that, my hotel has a very poor record keeping system and last night at 10pm I got a knock on my door and the front desk asked why I was in my room as they had scheduled someone else there.
I’ve been focusing on indoor activities since I’ve arrived in Paris which has included a visit to the Louvre, the Museum d’Orsay, and the tomb of Napoleon. The weather reports are predicting more rain on Thursday and Friday so I’m going to try and visit the Eiffel Tower and other outdoor attractions today.
I’ve also suffered a problem with my camera. The ring which houses the lens cap on one of my lenses has come off. It still works fine by it is a real pain to not have a lens cap and makes putting the camera away awkward. Slowly, everything I have with me seems to be falling apart. All of my pants are falling apart at the seams
*NOTE* Since I wrote the above, the hotel notified me that they only had me booked for 2 nights and I have to find another hotel.
I’m hoping the rain lets up. I’m finishing this post at an internt cafe near Notre Dame. It has been raining on and off all day. I was planning on going to Versallies but now I’m going to wait and see how the weather pans out.
If anyone in Paris would like to meet up for drinks or dinner, please contact me via email or Twitter. I should be here at least through Sunday when I think I’ll be going to Luxembourg.