Merry Kiritimati

Christmas in Hong Kong
Christmas in Hong Kong
Well, once again I didn’t get to Macau. Christmas day, however, it is going to happen. I know this because I have tickets booked. Today, by the time I got to the ferry terminal (I slept late. my room has no sunlight) the ferries were booked for several hours. I said screw it and just made sure I had tickets for tomorrow.

This marks the first time in my life that I have not been home for Christmas. It was one of those things that were bound to happen eventually, but it is still sort of weird. They have Christmas in Hong Kong, but it isn’t quite the same thing. I’m sure it is even less of a big deal outside of Hong Kong.

I hope everyone back home has a good Christmas. It’s the days like today when traveling alone can be rough.

I’ll be celebrating the birth of Jesus by visiting Portuguese ruins and Asian casinos. I hope to turn around the photos from Macau right away. I don’t want to get too far behind again. Perhaps I’ll have something tomorrow.

* The title of this post is the word “Christmas” in the Gilbert language. It is pronounced “Christmas” just like you would say it normally, they just use “ti” for the letter “s”.