I have come to the conclusion that the image of Texas I have always had is wrong. Very wrong. Texas was supposed to be oil wells, cattle, pick-up trucks and guys in big cowboy hats. It’s really nothing but an endless expanse of malls, stores, walled subdivisions, and highways.
Friday, I had no fewer than three 15 minute conversations with strangers about my trip. I think I’m going to get some business cards made with my website address on it. It will be much easier than having everyone find a pen and try to write down the URL.
I also visited the National Boy Scout Museum (I’m an Eagle Scout) and the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth. The Kimbell is a small but good museum.
Saturday, Scott and I went to the Apple store to get a tutorial on Final Cut Express and went to Micro Center to pick up doodads. In the evening we went out to a friend of Scott and Angie’s birthday’s party. We played Texas Hold Em until like 2 am.
Today I hope to hit REI for some more waterproof bags for my electronics and a camera store for a better tripod. Also, might try to get to Daley Plaza and take some video of the conspiracy crazies.
Monday morning, I’m on the train to LA for a 48 hour Amtrak adventure.