Pinterest for Travel

If you have been paying attention to the interwebs the last few months, you’ve probably heard that this Pinterest thing is all the rage with the kids. Pinterest is fundamentally an image sharing social media site. You “pin” images to any number of virtual boards that you or your friends have and then you can share them by re-pinning them to other boards.

I was told to check it out by my assistant Amy, which is not surprising as I’ve heard stats that say 90% of the users of Pinterest are women (I’ve heard numbers as high as 97%). Much of the early popularity of Pinterest came from sharing images of food, crafts and products, but by no means, it is limited to that.

I am a big believer in the idea that travel is primarily a visual thing. We want to visit a place, usually because of a photo, TV show or movie which we’ve seen. Pinterest lets you share this images which inspire people.

Everything Everywhere On Pinterest

My main motivation for writing this was two-fold: First I wanted to let everyone know that I am in fact on Pinterest and that you can follow me there:

Follow Me on Pinterest
Second, there has been a lot of controversy about Pinterest and the copyright issues surrounding it. Many photographers are concerned about the use of their images on Pinterest without their consent. I wanted to explicitly tell everyone:

I give full authority for anyone to use my images on Pinterest.

You don’t have to worry about the legal ramifications of pinning my photos. This is a 100% Pinterest safe zone. You can pin any of the 15,664 (and growing) images I have on my site with impunity. In fact, I encourage you to do so.

You will notice that I have a “pin it” button on every page of my site. Just click it and you can share the images on the page on Pinterest.

I WANT people to share my photos and hopefully, some of those will inspire people to travel to some of the places I’ve been. If someone actually gets off their butt and visits a place because of my photography, I consider that the greatest compliment you can give.