My Transatlantic Hospital Odyssey

I’m writing this from the waiting room of the hospital my father is in. My trip back to Wisconsin is finally over.

Getting here involved closed airports, four canceled flights, a delayed flight which almost caused me to miss my connection, a missing bag and a ridiculously priced car rental. Lets just say US Air and Hertz are not my favorite companies.

My dad is doing better. His infection is down, but there are still a bunch of issues they have to look at. This will be a very long process.

I don’t know what my schedule will be this summer, but I still plan on going to TBEX as well as doing an Eastern Canada road trip. I will try to fit in some regional trips to places in my backyard I’ve never bothered to visit. In particular, I’m thinking of a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s studio at Taliesin and the Milwaukee Art Museum designed by Calatrava.

I’m not going to be writing much more on my dad because I don’t want the site to devolve into the “Gary’s dad medical update blog”. I might be giving updates on Facebook, but I’m going to try and keep the site on topic.

I want to thank everyone for their words of encouragement the last week and a half. I especially want to thank Joantxo Llantada with the Valencia Tourism Board who helped me get back to the US from Spain. Their support was above and beyond the call of duty.

The hospital has wifi so I’ll be able to get a fair amount of writing and work done. My dad needs rest right now so between me, my brother and my mom we will be taking shifts just being here.

While I didn’t want to be back here under these circumstances, I’m going to make the best of it. Expect a flood of articles flowing through my keyboard during the next few weeks.

Also, because I’m back in the US, there are a lot of people who wanted to send me products to review. I’ve put off doing them because sending me stuff is so difficult on the road. I have a several month window this summer where I can do some product reviews, so if you have a produce you think I’d like to review, feel free to contact me.