Go Pack Go!

I’m often asked if there are things I miss from home. Outside the obvious friends and family there is one thing I miss.

Watching the Green Bay Packers.

Today they are playing in what will be one of the coldest games in NFL history for the NFC Championship at Lambeau Field. It doesn’t get much better than that. The tundra will be frozen. (well not really. they have heaters now)

I grew up about 20 minutes from Green Bay. The Packers are something you have in your DNA if you are from that part of the country. In fact, I’m part owner in the franchise (1 share of stock thank you very much).

So tomorrow morning, I’ll be waking up early to watch a live text feed of a football game on my laptop in Indonesia.

*EDIT* Temperatures are expected to be 1° F to -8° F (-17° C to -22° C ). Winds are gusting at 11.0 mph / 17 km/h.