I Heart Rarotonga

Any guilt I had about leaving Tahiti earlier than I planned melted away the moment Rarotonga appeared in the window of the plane. Geology Like all Pacific islands, Rarotonga was created via vulcanism. You can think of islands on a continuum from the Big Island of Hawaii down to coral atolls. The Big Island is …

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Mc Donald’s Uber Alles

If you notice the categories I use for posting items, I’ve added one for Mc Donald’s. In each place I visit that has a Mc Donald’s, I’m going to write a separate post giving a brief description of their menu, prices, and other things I find different. Why would I do this? Why would an …

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Just a quick update. I’m in the Cook Islands on the island of Rarotonga. Slight problem with hotel, but shouldn’t be an issue. The place looks lovely.

Keep On Truckin

I spent most of today just doing logistical stuff: getting my ransom ticket refunded and getting my tickets to Rarotonga and beyond, moving to the hostel, and taking care of some stuff online. Yes, that took most of the day. I assumed that I would be leaving French Polynesia on Friday, but I found there …

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My Kafkaesque Almost Nightmare in Tahiti

I was held my the immigration police in Tahiti for almost an hour. Here’s why: To get into Tahiti you need to show proof that you have a ticket to leave Tahiti. I guess the place is so expensive that they know there is a good chance you’ll be broke by the time you leave, …

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Wrap a Nui

I have about four hours till I get taken to the airport to wait three more hours for my flight to Papeete. Despite some early problems, I think this week has been a good start to my foreign adventures. I managed to get by in the most isolated place on Earth without knowing the language. …

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Mis Cuatro Amigos

There are a lot of dogs which run free on Easter Island. They aren´t feral dogs, they´re quite time actually, but no one owns them. They sort of just run all over and occasionally run up to a person and walk with them for a while. While taking photos today, I was sitting on the …

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Nice Place to Visit, but I Wouldn’t Want to Live Here

Yesterday, I spent the better part of the day out and about taking photos and video of the places I couldn’t get to on Wednesday due to rain. I think you could easily see most of the sites on the island in one day if you got up early, and certainly in two. In hindsight, …

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