This weeks guest is JD Andrews.
This Week’s News
- Airport Security At LAX Misses Loaded Gun In Luggage
- TSA Week in Review: Lipstick Knife & Lost and Found – And a few other tidbits…
- Face off: Hotel staff taught to read guests’ body language
- Airline Flushes Away Passenger Comfort
- America’s Best Restrooms
- BA’s richest passengers let in on secret of surviving crashes
- Southwest plane diverts after flier threatens flight
- Virgin unveils fuel breakthrough
- Aggressive Panhandlers Blamed for San Francisco’s Slipping Tourism Ranking
- Cannibalism of a German tourist
- Priority Pass
Picks of the Week
- JD – P-Cubed pants
- Jen – Traveler Century Club
- Chris – Intrepid Tours
- Gary – Sporcle Geography