This weeks guest is Jason Clampet co-founder of the newly launched
This Week’s News
- Chinese Park Offers Discount To Women Wearing Miniskirts
- Cathay Pacific Opens SFO Lounge to Klout Users
- Sewing needles found in airline food
- Angry Mom Tells Justin Bieber to “Stop Yelling Curse Words” on Plan
- A third of Britons willing to pay higher fares for child-free flights
- Size matters or not ? Canadian couple explores
- >Ryanair to close Spanish routes in airport tax row
- Boy who flew to Rome alone: ‘Getting on plane was easier than doing homework’
- JFK likeliest airport to spread disease
Picks of the Week
- Gary –
- Jen – Check in on Foursquare to get discounts
- Chris – DLink DIR 505<
- Jason – 20 years of Southwest commercials