Global Travel Conspiracy, Episode 46 – Q&A Volume 3

For this episode of the Global Travel Conspiracy, I answer your question about his new additions to gear, upgrading camera gear, 3 important lessons about self-taught photography, purposeful practice, gear to carry, mirrorless cameras, what is best camera to carry, stock photography, renting gear for trip, smartphone photography tips (including nighttime photography tips), and watermarking photos.

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The full list of questions on this episode:

  • What is the newest addition to your gear?
  • As a self-taught photographer, what are the 3 most important lessons you’ve learned about photography along the way?
  • What is the most and least photogenic UNESCO sites?
  • When using smartphone as a camera, have you heard of people drop of their phones because of taking a photo?
  • How do you recommend lightening camera gear load? What do you carry?
  • Do you see trends in photography that are important?
  • What places are on your bucket list to visit?
  • Do you ever use a smartphone for your photography?
  • Do you recommend selling your photos as stock photography?
  • Have you traveled to a location that surprised you?
  • How many cameras and lenses to x location?
  • Are there any factors/places that you have been you’ve felt like just staying?
  • If you could take one camera on a trip, what would it be?
  • What is the #1 iPhone/smartphone rule?
  • When shooting iPhone are there tricks to getting a better shot?
  • Can you give me more specifics on buying annual travel insurance?
  • How do you approach using watermark photos?